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Jonson Tran Nguyen

Broker Associate - Realtor
DRE #01840344
50 E. Huntington Drive
Arcadia, CA 91006
Direct: 626.456.1911

Passing a Home Inspection

When you're selling your home, don't get let-upped into satisfaction because your home shows wells. Underneath it all you may have problems.

Do not wait for inspection day to review the condition of your home. Check for potentially deal-breaking flaws ahead of time.

A home inspection will check out these eight possible drawbacks and make sure to repair them before putting your home on the market.
Home Inspector.jpg
1. Plumbing. A home inspector will look for corroded pipes by checking water pressure, and test appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. You may want to consider installing new fixtures to draw attention away from the age of your plumbing.

2. Bad Odors, Dampness, Mold, and Mildew. These can mean your basement has too much moisture and an inspector will want to know why. Have drainage problems damaged the foundation, rafters or floor joists?

3. Structural concerns. A sagging roof, irregular floors or cracks in the walls or foundation are obvious problems. While some conditions may be expensive to correct, it’s well worth repairing those that require only cosmetic repairs.

4. Roof damage. Clean your gutters and downspouts because the inspector will check them. He will also determine the condition of the shingles or roofing material, even if there is no sign of trouble, such as water stains. The flashing around the chimney and bricks and mortar will also be assessed for leaks. If you know you have trouble with the flashing, have it repaired. Typically, this is not a huge expense compared to the cost of a new roof.

5. Windows and Doors. Replacing caulking or weather stripping is usually enough, so do it before any leaks cause damage that is more difficult to repair.

6. Environmental concerns. If you are worried your home might have any environmental contaminants, you might want to pay for your own home inspection before a buyer arranges for one. Additional things to look for include lead or other contaminants in the water, lead-based paint and asbestos or formaldehyde insulation.

7. Heating and Cooling Systems. The heating and air-conditioning systems are usually fairly easy to access and inspect. Your furnace does not need to be new, just in good working condition.

8. Electrical system. Make sure all sockets work. The wiring, electrical panels and circuit breakers must meet current code standards.

If you have some concerns about the condition of your home, arranging your own pre-sale home inspection may be helpful. Correcting any flaws may speed up a sale and increase your sales price. Any reported defects you choose not to correct must be disclosed to prospective buyers. In most cases, buyer’s inspections call for only minor repairs. However, some buyers may make a counteroffer with a lengthy list of repairs to try to drive the price down on your home. If this happens, you may want to consider whether the deal is worth it.

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